Tuesday 19 July 2011

Process of E-Wallpaper

Step 1- Start a new task by named it 'E-Wallpaper MMU FOM', 'international paper' and 'A4' size. Open new picture, used move tool to drag picture(PIC_1) into A4 paper.

Step 2- Open picture(PIC_2), used crop tool to crop the part I want to use. After that, use move tool to drag it to A4 paper.

Step 3- Open image> adjustment> color balance to adjust color of (PIC_2) so that it will look better.

Step 4- Used dodge tool to brighten (PIC_2) building part. Then, drag MMU logo(PIC_3) to A4 paper and click free transform to re-size it.

Step 5- Open MMU bee(PIC_4) and use move tool to drag it into A4 paper. 

Step 6- Adjust the position of (PIC_4) by using transform> flip horizontal.

Step 7- Select the background 1 picture and drag it to A4 paper. Then, use horizontal type tool to add text on it. Open MMU logo(PIC_5) and drag into paper.

Step 8- Open new picture, set as background 2, used move tool to drag it to upper part of A4 paper.

Step 9- Use magic eraser tool to edit(PIC_4) and use background eraser tool to erase unwanted part of MMU logo(PIC_5).

Step 10- Open new picture(PIC_6) and drag to A4 paper. Use horizontal type tool to edit new text. For the words 'REGISTER NOW', choose layer style and adjust the color and pattern.

Step 11- Replace the (PIC_2). Use magic wand tool to drag the sky and cut it.

Step 12- Use crop tool to crop the size of (PIC_2) and drag it to A4 paper.

Step 13- Edit> Free transform to re-size (PIC_2).

Step 14- Use magic eraser tool to delete white color part.

Step 15- Click free transform to adjust size of building.

Step 16- Click image> adjustment> color balance to adjust color of building.

Step 17- After done, click flatten image so that can fixed all image become one background.

Step 18- Again, adjust the color balance for my E-Wallpaper to make it better.

Step 19- Last step for my E-Wallpaper. Click image> adjustment> shadows/highlight and adjust it to make wallpaper nicer.

Monday 18 July 2011

Raw Material for E-Wallpaper

Before start doing E-Wallpaper, I have search some picture from internet. Then I choose the picture which I want to put in my E-Wallpaper. Following is the raw material(picture) I used :


Thursday 7 July 2011

Lab 2_Layer Basics

Before edit~

After edit~

Postard! Same, done by me and Loke...

Lab 1_Selection

Before edit~

After edit~

Tutor asked us to create human's face. The above picture(face) is done by me and my friend!=)

About Me!

Hihi...My name is Jap Chou Teng. I am taking BBA(Hons) Management with Multimedia in MMU. Well, the  purpose I create this blog is for my Digital Media 1 assignment and I'm from section BC271E. ^^